Solved – Multinomial logistic regression in R returns fewer categories

categorical datalogisticnnetrregression

My dependent variable has 4 categories, but when I run the multinomial logistic regression using the package nnet with function multinom the results only show 3 categories.

I've tried changing the category numbers from 0,2,3,4 to 1,2,3,4, and also tried using names instead of numbers for the categories but it still wont show all 4 categories in the results.

Also, when I changed the categories to names instead of numbers, the resulting p values for each category drastically changed. Why is this?
The p values were acquired using these commands

z <- summary(siglm)$coefficients/summary(siglm)$standard.errors
p <- (1 - pnorm(abs(z), 0, 1)) * 2

Best Answer

The missing category is the reference category. All the coefficients are interpreted with reference to that category.

You can change the reference category and run the same model to get statistics related to the reference category. By default the first factor level is the reference category.