Solved – Multidimensional dynamic time warping

time series

I am trying to understand how to extend the idea of one dimensional dynamic time warping to the multidimensional case.

Lets assume I have a dataset with two dimensions where TrainA holds dimension 1 and TrainB holds dimension 2. It seems that the simplest case would be

distA = dtw(TrainA) 
distB = dtw(TrainB) 
dist = distA + distB  // or maybe distA*distB

Is this the right approach? I know there are packages that do this for you but I want to understand what is actually being done.

Best Answer

There are two ways to do it. The way you describe is DTWI, but other way, DTWD can be better, because it pools the information before warping.

There is an explanation of the differences, and an empirical study here.