Solved – Monte Carlo simulation vs. machine learning algorithms: what is the difference in application?

machine learningmonte carlorandom forestregressionsvm

I have been doing some research on different type of machine learning (ML) algorithms such as random forest/SVM etc. in order to model and best predict pharmaceutical needs of patients suffering from a particular type of kidney autoimmune disease.

What I was hoping someone could explain to me is what are the differences in predictive ability between Monte Carlo simulations and random forest classifiers? How is their real world application different?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

MC is not an inference technique for finding the "best" model, it is a numerical tool to obtain samples from a given model. Sure enough you can also build inference procedures relying on MC (e.g. optimizing a criterion over parameters as a function of the simulated empirical distribution) but that doesn't change the respective scopes and goals. The most common application of MC is probably the calculation of high-dimensional integrals.

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