Solved – “mixture” in a gaussian mixture model

distributionsgaussian mixture distributionmachine learningmathematical-statisticsmixture-distribution

We often study Gaussian Mixture model as a useful model in machine learning and its applications.

What is the physical significance of this "Mixture"?

Is it used because a Gaussian Mixture Model models the probability of a number of random variables each with its own value of mean? If not, then what is the correct interpretation of this word.

Best Answer

A distribution combines different component distributions with weights that typically sum to one (or can be renormalized). A is the special case where the components are Gaussians.

For instance, here is a mixture of 25% $N(-2,1)$ and 75% $N(2,1)$, which you could call "one part $N(-2,1)$ and three parts $N(2,1)$":

xx <- seq(-5,5,by=.01)


Essentially, it's like a recipe. Play around a little with the weights, the means and the variances to see what happens, or look at the two tags on CV.