Solved – Mixed models with lmer: Residual diagnostics

diagnosticlme4-nlmemixed modelresiduals

I fitted a linear mixed model as follows:

fit=lmer( ~ borrower.Gender+ borrowing.Amount + (1|borrower.Country) + (1|borrowing.Sector)) 

The following was obtained with plot(fit).
enter image description here

The following was obtained with –



enter image description here

  1. What do these two plots mean? Does the same set of assumptions
    (normality of residuals; homogenity of variance) apply for linear
    mixed effects model? Am I right in reading that this model is not
    properly specified as it violates normality assumptions?

  2. How should one go about fixing such violations?

Best Answer

The plots but also the name of your outcome variable,, suggest that you have a bounded outcome. Do you perhaps have (many) zeros in the If this is the case, indeed assuming a normal distribution would not be optimal. You could give a try to a Beta mixed effects models.

However, again the name of your response variable suggests that you perhaps need to account for censoring occurring in the, i.e., some people have not obtained a loan yet. Hence, their time to obtain a loan is right-censored. In this case you would need to go for a survival type of model. For example, you could have a look at the coxme package.