Solved – Mixed effects model output – no difference in AIC values

aicmixed modelmodel selectionpredictive-modelsr

In our study we are looking at the change in the numbers of acoustically tagged fish detections with respect to tidal state (ebbing, flowing), light period (dawn, day, dusk, night) and month (February, March, April, May, June). Detection data is in the form of counts per light stage and corresponding tidal stage and month. Detections are transformed through log transformation and tide, light and month are all set as factors.

I've followed the protocol by Zuur et al (2009) and am therefore using mixed effects models to account for the repeated measures by each unique fish ( is the random effect).

My issue arises at the model selection stage where anova of the models with sequential fixed effects left out:

lmer.1  <- lmer(logdetections ~  tide + light + month + tide:light + (1|, 
                data=Sea_Bass_Data_2log, REML=FALSE)
lmer.2  <- lmer(logdetections ~ light + month + tide:light + (1|, 
                data=Sea_Bass_Data_2log, REML=FALSE)
lmer.3  <- lmer(logdetections ~  tide + month + tide:light + (1|, 
                data=Sea_Bass_Data_2log, REML=FALSE)
lmer.4  <- lmer(logdetections ~  tide + light + tide:light + (1|, 
                data=Sea_Bass_Data_2log, REML=FALSE)
lmer.5  <- lmer(logdetections ~ tide + light + month + (1|, 
                data=Sea_Bass_Data_2log, REML=FALSE)
lmer.6  <- lmer(logdetections ~ 1 + (1|, 
                data=Sea_Bass_Data_2log, REML=FALSE)

An anova of the above models finds that 3 models have the same AIC value and weights.

> anova(lmer.1, lmer.2, lmer.3, lmer.4, lmer.5, lmer.6)
Data: Sea_Bass_Data_2log
lmer.6: logdetections ~ 1 + (1 |
lmer.4: logdetections ~ tide + light + tide:light + (1 |
lmer.5: logdetections ~ tide + light + month + (1 |
lmer.1: logdetections ~ tide + light + month + tide:light + (1 |
lmer.2: logdetections ~ light + month + tide:light + (1 |
lmer.3: logdetections ~ tide + month + tide:light + (1 |
       Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
lmer.6  3 450.23 461.86 -222.12   444.23                             
lmer.4 10 390.65 429.43 -185.32   370.65 73.583      7  2.781e-13 ***
lmer.5 11 382.41 425.06 -180.20   360.41 10.242      1   0.001373 ** 
lmer.1 14 378.02 432.31 -175.01   350.02 10.383      3   0.015579 *  
lmer.2 14 378.02 432.31 -175.01   350.02  0.000      0  < 2.2e-16 ***
lmer.3 14 378.02 432.31 -175.01   350.02  0.000      0   1.000000    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

I've used the "bbmle" package to look at AICc and weights and find the same result:

> bbmle::AICctab(lmer.1, lmer.2, lmer.3, lmer.4, lmer.5, lmer.6, base = T,     weights = T)
       AICc  dAICc df weight
lmer.2 379.3   0.0 14 0.318 
lmer.3 379.3   0.0 14 0.318 
lmer.1 379.3   0.0 14 0.318 
lmer.5 383.2   3.9 11 0.045 
lmer.4 391.3  12.0 10 <0.001
lmer.6 450.3  71.0 3  <0.001

I then used the "MuMIn" package function model.avg but am no closer to understanding its output for model selection.

> model.avg(lmer.1, lmer.2, lmer.3)

model.avg(object = lmer.1, lmer.2, lmer.3)

Component models: 
‘124’  ‘234’  ‘1234’

       (Intercept)  lightday  lightdusk lightnight    month3    month4       month5
full     0.2603615 0.4141133 0.09135152  0.2023542 0.1938293 0.5564969    0.4062781
subset   0.2603615 0.6211699 0.13702728  0.3035313 0.1938293 0.5564969 0.4062781
      month6 lightdawn:tideFlooding lightday:tideFlooding  lightdusk:tideFlooding
full   0.3912216            0.002832931            -0.1251204            -0.09993087
subset 0.3912216            0.008498793            -0.1251204            -0.09993087
       lightnight:tideFlooding tideFlooding lightday:tideEbbing lightday:tideFlooding
full                0.03964991  0.005665860           0.2070566               -0.1251204
subset              0.03964991  0.008498789           0.6211699            -0.1251204
       lightdusk:tideEbbing lightdusk:tideFlooding lightnight:tideEbbing
full             0.04567576            -0.09993087             0.1011771
subset           0.13702728            -0.09993087             0.3035313
full                0.03964991
subset              0.03964991

Can anyone advise on how I should select the correct model?

Best Answer

The first three models you've constructed differ in the ways the parameters are defined, but they have the same number of the parameters and the fits are equivalent in every way except for the numerical values of the parameters.

We can illustrate this with a plain linear model - mixed models just complicate the issue.

dd <- expand.grid(light=c("day","dusk","night"),
dd$y <- rnorm(nrow(dd))
## add one more row so fit isn't perfect
dd <- rbind(dd,dd[1,])
dd$y[nrow(dd)] <- rnorm(1)

Use model.matrix to see what parameters R will construct when fitting the model (you could also use names(coef(...)) on the output of lm(), or names(fixef(...)) on the output of (g)lmer).

tmpf <- function(f) {
colnames(m1 <- tmpf(~light+tide+light:tide))
## [1] "(Intercept)"             "lightdusk"              
## [3] "lightnight"              "tideFlooding"           
## [5] "tideEbbing"              "lightdusk:tideFlooding" 
## [7] "lightnight:tideFlooding" "lightdusk:tideEbbing"   
## [9] "lightnight:tideEbbing"  

If we use the * operator, we get the interaction plus the main effects; if we redundantly specify the main effects, R silently drops them.

all.equal(m1,tmpf(~light*tide))  ## TRUE
all.equal(m1,tmpf(~light+light*tide))  ## TRUE
all.equal(m1,tmpf(~light+tide+light*tide))  ## TRUE

If we use : but leave out one of the main effects we get the same number of parameters (9), but they are organized differently:

colnames(m2 <- tmpf(~light+light:tide))
## [1] "(Intercept)"             "lightdusk"              
## [3] "lightnight"              "lightday:tideFlooding"  
## [5] "lightdusk:tideFlooding"  "lightnight:tideFlooding"
## [7] "lightday:tideEbbing"     "lightdusk:tideEbbing"   
## [9] "lightnight:tideEbbing"  

As I explain elsewhere, it rarely makes sense to test the model with interactions present but main effects missing; the only ways that I know of to do this are to construct the dummy variables yourself (either by hand, or by constructing the model matrix, dropping the terms you don't want, and using the remaining model matrix columns as (numeric) predictor variables.

The MuMIn package tries to do the right thing: from ?dredge,

By default, marginality constraints are respected, so “all possible combinations” include only those containing interactions with their respective main effects and all lower order terms.

full_model <- lm(y~light*tide,data=dd,na.action="")    
(dmods <- dredge(full_model))
## Model selection table 
##      (Int) lgh tid lgh:tid df logLik   AICc  delta weight
## 8 -0.27460   +   +       + 10 23.541 -247.1   0.00      1
## 1  0.24500                  2 -8.291   22.3 269.38      0
## 3 -0.16790       +          4 -5.948   27.9 274.98      0
## 2  0.07096   +              4 -7.821   31.6 278.72      0
## 4 -0.25820   +   +          6 -5.543   51.1 298.17      0

As you can see dredge has not tried to fit any models with the interaction but missing some main effects.

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