Solved – Methods to change Likert Scale


Suppose I have two variables named importance of the product and satisfaction and I need to do comparison with these two. Variable Importance of product is in Likert scale 3 and Satisfaction is in Likert scale 5. How can I convert the importance of product responses into 5 scale?

Also I would like to have a suggestion for my analysis.. Which analysis method is appropriate for comparing these two variables?

Adding details about the responses

We have the survey responses from the customers about certain features and facilities provided to them. One variable is ‘Satisfaction’ which explains their satisfaction with the features and the other one is ‘Importance’ which explains how important these features are. Responses for the variable ‘satisfaction’ are Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and Strongly Agree and Responses for ‘Importance’ are Not at all important, somewhat important and Very important.

Best Answer

You cannot change a 3 point scale to a 5 point scale.

If you want to compare the two, and don't have any idea which is the dependent and independent variable, you could use a chi-square, but that doesn't account for the ordinality. There are tests that do, but they are not as well known. I usually use the Jonckheere-Terpstra test.

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