Solved – method to transform all z-scores into positive values

distributionsmeannormal distributionz-score

During my calculations I need to use square roots but z-scores can be negative.

Is there a trick to transform them into positive value without missing the usefulness of z-scores?

What if I have not a single distribution but more than one to compare each other?


Edit for details

I have two ranks calculated using z-scores (they rank student performance using different metrics) and I want to make a geometric average between the two rank, but as z-scores has negative values I cannot perform square root on negative results.

Eg: if student Foo has a score of 2 on the first rank and a score of -2 on the other i cannot make the square root of -4.

If there is a method to convert the scores into positive values I can perform geometric average.

For example when I use percentage I add one to the value divided by 100 (eg -80% and +50% become 0,8 and 1,5). Is there a trick like this that works on z-scores?

Best Answer

Welcome to the site. Of course, there are lots of ways to transform z scores into positive values: You could take absolute value, you could square them, you could add 20 to all values, you could rank them and probably some other methods. Which method should you use?

In one comment (which should be added to your question), you say:

The first reason is that it values higher students that are equally good on both metrics and not students with extremes scores. The second one is that I need to compute historical analysis also and it allows to rank higher students with regular good performance

You could certainly rank them. You would then no longer need the geometric average. But, since ranks are ordinal, you might want the median rather than the mean. That is, by ranking, you have lost some information.

For the first problem, adding a large constant could work, but I'm not at all sure geometric mean is what you want. The geometric mean is most useful when different items have different ranges - for instance, if you were trying to take the mean of GPA (range 0 to 4) and SAT scores (range 0 to 1600). z scores already do that.

If you want to value "regular good performance" then you probably need at least two numbers.

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