Solved – method to estimate distribution parameters given only quantiles


is there a way to fit a specified distribution if you are only given a few quantiles?

For example, if I told you I have a gamma distributed data set, and the empirical 20%, 30%, 50% and 90%-quantiles are, respectively:

      20%       30%       50%       90% 
0.3936833 0.4890963 0.6751703 1.3404074 

How would I go and estimate the parameters? Are there multiple ways to do that, or is there already a specific procedure?

more edit: I don't specifically ask for the gamma distribution, this was just an example because I worry I can't explain my question appropriately. My task is that I have some (2-4) given quantiles, and want to estimate the (1-3) parameters of a few distributions as "close" as possible. Sometimes there's an (or infinite) exact solution(s), sometimes not, right?

Best Answer

i don't know what was in the other post but I have a response. One can look at the order statistics which represent specific quantiles of the distribution namely, the $k$'th order statistic, $X_{(k)}$, is an estimate of the $100 \cdot k/n$'th quantile of the distribution. There is a famous paper in Technometrics 1960 by Shanti Gupta that shows how to estimate the shape parameter of a gamma distribution using the order statistics. See this link: