Solved – Meta-analysis: dealing with bias with a small number of studies


I performed a meta-analysis with 5 RCTs measuring odds ratios of event rates in patients receiving and not receiving a treatment. P of the pooled data resulted > 0.05; this result is acceptable for me.

What is the best way to deal with publication bias? I initially used the Begg test but this method is known to be unreliable for meta-analyses based on a small number of studies. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

With such a small number of analyzed trials, all the methods for possible detection of publication bias are underpowered. Therefore instead of claiming that you conducted any of the analyses and did not detect evidence of publication bias, you should state that:

Methods section: "We intended to assess publication bias using funnel plot techniques, Begg’s rank test and Egger’s regression test, as appropriate given the known limitations of these methods.

Results section: "Publication bias was not assessed as there were inadequate numbers of included trials to properly assess a funnel plot or more advanced regression-based assessments."

This is a standard statement I use for Cochrane reviews and teach my students.

Hope this helps.
