Solved – Mediation analysis interpretation


I am carrying out a mediation analysis using PROCESS in spss. According to Field a mediation effect occurs if the confidence intervals for the indirect effect do not include 0 – this is the case but the predictor to mediator pathway is non significant, although there is a sign effect for predictor to outcome, and sign effect mediator to outcome.

Does this still mean there is a mediator effect?

Best Answer

If your a path (from predictor to mediator) is not significant then you DO NOT have a mediation effect. The proposed mediator has an effect on the outcome variable and your proposed predictor also has an effect on the outcome variable, just NOT by the mediator you proposed. And yes, PROCESS is a plug-in that you can install in SPSS has the most current methodology for examining mediating effects, so that is the best tool you can use at the moment.

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