Solved – Mean comparisons following multiple imputation


I need to do some simple mean comparisons between groups (basic ANOVA F-tests) on data with missing values. I use the mice package in R for multiple imputation, but I can only pool results for the linear model coefficients, or the $R^2$.

Does anyone know how to combine to pool multiple F-statistics from each linear model fit? Or, how can I compute the standard errors for the F-test?

Best Answer

A recent paper by van Ginkel & Kroonenberg works out the details of pooling F-tests and other ANOVA results. The paper is:

van Ginkel, J. R., & Kroonenberg, P. M. (2014). Analysis of Variance of Multiply Imputed Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49(1), 78-91.

and van Ginkel's website ( has SPSS macros with instruction files. As far as I know, their formulae have not yet been implemented in R.

@Brian, if you do write a function, please share!