Log-Binomial Distribution – Understanding the Mean and Variance of Log-Binomial Distribution

binomial distributiondistributionslognormal distributionmomentsnormal distribution

If X is a random variable with a normal distribution, then Y = exp(X) has a log-normal distribution.

Likewise if X is a random variable with a binomial distribution, then Y = exp(X) has a log-binomial distribution.

My question
In case of the log-normal distribution mean and variance are well known, for the log-binomial distribution I can't find any references.

Best Answer

We can use an entirely analogous technique to the one typically used to calculate the moments of a lognormal.

In particular, note that if $\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb E}X \sim \mathrm{Bin}(n,p)$ and $Y = e^X$, then $Y^k = e^{k X}$. But, $\E e^{kX} = m_X(k)$ where $m_X(t)$ is the moment-generating function of $X$ evaluated at $t$.

Hence, $$ \E e^{k X} = m_X(k) = (1 - p + p e^k)^n \>, $$ and so $$ \E Y = m_X(1) = (1 + (e-1)p)^n $$ and $$ \mathrm{Var}(Y) = m_X(2) - (m_X(1))^2 = (1+(e^2-1)p)^n - (1+(e-1)p)^{2n} \>. $$

Other moments of $Y$ can be computed in a similar fashion.