Solved – Mean and Variance for a sum of independent weighted bernoulli random variables with different probabilities of success


Suppose $Z_i$ are independent Bernoulli random variables with differing probabilities $P_i$. Also suppose weights $W_i$ are positive and constant.

Can you tell me the mean and variance for the random variable $S$ which is the summation of each weighted $Z_i$ (i.e. $W_iZ_i$). Furthermore is there a simple distribution for this random variable (similar to the Poisson Binomial distribution)?

Best Answer

I understand $Z_i$ takes value 1 with probability $P_i$ and $0$ otherwise.

Computing the mean of the weighted sum is simple: by linearity of the $\mathrm E$ operator,

$$ \mathrm E \sum_i W_i Z_i = \sum_i W_i \mathrm E Z_i = \sum_i W_i P_i. $$

As for the variance, since the variables are independent you can just sum their variances. So:

$$ \mathrm{Var} \sum_i W_i Z_i = \sum_i W_i^2 \mathrm{Var}Z_i = \sum_i W_i^2 P_i(1-P_i). $$

The distribution of $\sum_i W_i Z_i$ does not have a name, to my knowledge.

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