Solved – Maximum likelihood estimation of p from a Binomial sample count

binomial distributionmaximum likelihood

There is already an answer here on the ML estimator for binomial p: Maximum likelihood estimation of p in a Binomial sample

Let me add a twist to the question: let's assume we don't know all the samples, but only count for a single value. So, for example, we have drawn M samples from a binomial distribution with known parameter N and unknown parameter p. The only information we know is that out of these M samples, m of them are equal to some value k.

So my question is: what is the ML estimator for p in Bin(N,p) if we know that m out of M samples are equal to k?

Best Answer

Partially answered in comments:

Since the chance that a Binomial$(N,p)$ observation equals $k$ is given by $q=\binom{N}{k}p^k(1-p)^{N-k}$, you have data that are equivalent to flipping a coin $M$ times, observing it came up heads $m$ times, and wish to estimate the chance $q$ of heads. From $q$ you can compute $p$.

  • whuber
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