Solved – Marginal effect of Probit and Logit model


Can anyone explain how to compute the marginal effect of Probit and Logit model in layman's terms?

I am new to statistics and I am confused about these two models.

Best Answer

I think a better way to see the marginal effect of a given variable, say $X_j$, is to produce a scatter plot of the predicted probability on the vertical axis, and to have $X_j$ on the horizontal axis. This is the most "layman" way I can think of indicating how influential a given variable is. No maths, just pictures. If you have a lot of data points, then a boxplot, or scatterplot smoother may help to see where most of the data is (as oppose to just a cloud of points).

Not sure how "Layman" the next section is, but you may find it useful.

If we look at the marginal effect, call it $m_j$, noting that $g(p)=\sum_kX_k\beta_k$, we get

$$m_j=\frac{\partial p}{\partial X_j}=\frac{\beta_j}{g'\left[g^{-1}(X^T\beta)\right]}=\frac{\beta_j}{g'(p)}$$

So the marginal effect depends on the estimated probability and the gradient of the link function in addition to the beta. The dividing by $g'(p)$, comes from the chain rule for differentiation, and the fact that $\frac{\partial g^{-1}(z)}{\partial z}=\frac{1}{g'\left[g^{-1}(z)\right]}$. This can be shown by differentiating both sides of the obviously true equation $z=g\left[g^{-1}(z)\right]$. We also have that $g^{-1}(X^T\beta)=p$ by definition. For a logit model, we have $g(p)=\log(p)-\log(1-p)\implies g'(p)=\frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{1-p}=\frac{1}{p(1-p)}$, and the marginal effect is:


What does this mean? well $p(1-p)$ is zero at $p=0$ and at $p=1$, and it reaches its maximum value of $0.25$ at $p=0.5$. So the marginal effect is greatest when the probability is near $0.5$, and smallest when $p$ is near $0$ or near $1$. However, $p(1-p)$ still depends on $X_j$, so the marginal effects are complicated. In fact, because it depends on $p$, you will get a different marginal effect for different $X_k,\;k\neq j$ values. Possibly one good reason to just do that simple scatter plot - don't need to chose which values of the covariates to use.

For a probit model, we have $g(p)=\Phi^{-1}(p)\implies g'(p)=\frac{1}{\phi\left[\Phi^{-1}(p)\right]}$ where $\Phi(.)$ is standard normal CDF, and $\phi(.)$ is standard normal pdf. So we get:


Note that this has most of the properties that the $m_j^{logit}$ marginal effect I discussed earlier, and is equally true of any link function which is symmetric about $0.5$ (and sane, of course, e.g. $g(p)=tan(\frac{\pi}{2}[2p-1])$). The dependence on $p$ is more complicated, but still has the general "hump" shape (highest point at $0.5$, lowest at $0$ and $1$). The link function will change the size of the maximum height (e.g. probit maximum is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\approx 0.4$, logit is $0.25$), and how quickly the marginal effect is tapered towards zero.