Solved – Mann-Whitney U test and paired data


I've read that working with paired data requires other method than Mann-Whitney $U$ test. I am not sure about how formally accurate is this statement.


Suppose that there is a set of $n$ (for a very large $n$) systems $S=\{s_1, s_2, … , s_n\}$. In each system there is a property, and the exact value for the property in the system $s_i$ is a well defined and constant value $y_i$.

Suppose that there are two imperfect instrument $A$ and $B$ for the measurement of the property related to the $\{y_i\}$ values. The respective values of the measurements of $y_i$ are $x_{A,i}$ and $x_{B,i}$. And also suppose that the measurements errors of both instruments are independent of the $y_i$ value in the range of $y_i$ values found in $S$.

If I am right, in principle, we can take two randomly chosen subsets (of $m$ and $l$ elements, with $20 < m$, $l \ll n$) of $S$, $S_A$ and $S_B$, and analyze the distributions of the $\{x_{A,i}\}$ found in $S_A$ and the $\{x_{B, i}\}$ found in $S_B$ by comparing them with the Mann-Whitney $U$ test.

Depending of the chosen $S_A$ and $S_B$ we can get different results ($U$ and $p$-value). The key point here is: If we take $S_A = S_B$, we can pair data ($x_{A,i};x_{B,i}$) and use the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. If $m = l$, each randomly chosen $S_i$ has the same occurrence probability, and $S_A = S_B$ should be a valid choice.

If so, the Mann-Whitney $U$ test can be used for the comparison even if the data can be paired.


  • Is the reasoning above correct? If so, which is the advantage of using Wilcoxon signed-rank test instead of Mann-Whitney $U$ test? Is it related to confidence?
  • If it is wrong, where is the mistake?
  • What exactly does the $p$-value mean in the case of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test?

Best Answer

  1. (I'm not sure I really follow your reasoning.) The Mann-Whitney U-test can be used with paired data. It will simply be less powerful. When you ignore the pairing, you are throwing a lot of information away.
  2. I don't really understand this question.
  3. The meaning of p-values here is the same as the meaning of p-values anywhere in frequentist statistics. That is, it is the probability of finding data as far or further from the null value if the null hypothesis is true. It may help you to read this CV thread: What is the meaning of p values and t values in statistical tests?