Solved – Making square-root of covariance matrix positive-definite (Matlab)


Motivation: I'm writing a state estimator in MATLAB (the unscented Kalman filter), which calls for the update of the (upper-triangular) square-root of a covariance matrix $S$ at every iteration (that is, for a covariance matrix $P$, it is true that $P=SS^{T}$). In order for me to perform the requisite calculations, I need to do a Rank-1 Cholesky Update and Downdate using MATLAB's cholupdate function.

Problem: Unfortunately, during the course of the iterations, this matrix $S$ can sometimes lose positive definiteness. The Cholesky downdate fails on non-PD matrices.

My question is: are there any simple and reliable ways in MATLAB to make $S$ positive-definite?

(or more generally, is there a good way of making any given covariance $X$ matrix positive-definite?)


  • $S$ is full rank
  • I've tried the eigendecomposition approach (which did not work). This basically involved finding $S = VDV^{T}$, setting all negative elements of $V,D = 1 \times 10^{-8}$, and reconstructing a new $S' = V' D' V'^{T}$ where $V',D'$ are matrices with only positive elements.
  • I am aware of the Higham approach (which is implemented in R as nearpd), but it seems to only project to the nearest PSD matrix. I need a PD matrix for the Cholesky update.

Best Answer

Here is code I've used in the past (using the SVD approach). I know you said you've tried it already, but it has always worked for me so I thought I'd post it to see if it was helpful.

function [sigma] = validateCovMatrix(sig)

% [sigma] = validateCovMatrix(sig)
% -- INPUT --
% sig:      sample covariance matrix
% -- OUTPUT --
% sigma:    positive-definite covariance matrix

EPS = 10^-6;
ZERO = 10^-10;

sigma = sig;
[r err] = cholcov(sigma, 0);

if (err ~= 0)
    % the covariance matrix is not positive definite!
    [v d] = eig(sigma);

    % set any of the eigenvalues that are <= 0 to some small positive value
    for n = 1:size(d,1)
        if (d(n, n) <= ZERO)
            d(n, n) = EPS;
    % recompose the covariance matrix, now it should be positive definite.
    sigma = v*d*v';

    [r err] = cholcov(sigma, 0);
    if (err ~= 0)
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