Curve Fitting – Function to Fit Sigmoid-Like Curve in R

curve fittinglogistic-curversigmoid-curvesplines

I'm looking for a function to fit sigmoid-like curves, from experimental data points.

The model (the function) doesn't matter, it doesn't have to be physically relevant, I just want to be able to calculate y from any x. And I don't want to extrapolate between two points.

Here is an example:


And here is the corresponding raw data:

| X             | Y              |
| 0             | 0              |
| 1,6366666667  | -12,2012787905 |
| 3,2733333333  | -13,7833876716 |
| 4,91          | -10,5943208589 |
| 6,5466666667  | -1,3584575518  |
| 8,1833333333  | 8,1590423167   |
| 9,82          | 13,8827937482  |
| 10,4746666667 | 18,4965880076  |
| 11,4566666667 | 42,1205206106  |
| 11,784        | 45,0528073182  |
| 12,4386666667 | 76,8150755186  |
| 13,0933333333 | 80,0883540997  |
| 14,73         | 89,7784173678  |
| 16,3666666667 | 98,8113459392  |
| 19,64         | 104,104366506  |
| 22,9133333333 | 105,9929585305 |
| 26,1866666667 | 94,0070414695  |

Do you have an idea ? My problem is that the data goes below 0 for some points.


Some of you are bothered by the last point. To clarify: at the end of the curve, there should be a plateau. The last point is just a bit buggy. I will probably remove it from the data when I'll start fitting.

Best Answer

I think smoothing splines with small degrees of freedom would do the trick. Here's an example in R:


The R code:

txt <- "| 0             | 0              |
| 1.6366666667  | -12.2012787905 |
| 3.2733333333  | -13.7833876716 |
| 4.91          | -10.5943208589 |
| 6.5466666667  | -1.3584575518  |
| 8.1833333333  | 8.1590423167   |
| 9.82          | 13.8827937482  |
| 10.4746666667 | 18.4965880076  |
| 11.4566666667 | 42.1205206106  |
| 11.784        | 45.0528073182  |
| 12.4386666667 | 76.8150755186  |
| 13.0933333333 | 80.0883540997  |
| 14.73         | 89.7784173678  |
| 16.3666666667 | 98.8113459392  |
| 19.64         | 104.104366506  |
| 22.9133333333 | 105.9929585305 |
| 26.1866666667 | 94.0070414695  |"

dat <- read.table(text=txt, sep="|")[,2:3]
names(dat) <- c("x", "y")
plot(dat$y~dat$x, pch = 19, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "Smoothing Splines with Varying df")

spl3 <- smooth.spline(x = dat$x, y = dat$y, df = 3)
lines(spl3, col = 2)

spl8 <- smooth.spline(x = dat$x, y = dat$y, df = 8)
lines(spl8, col = 4)

legend("topleft", c("df = 3", "df = 8"), col = c(2,4), bty = "n", lty = 1)
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