Solved – Long tailed distributions for generating random numbers with parameters to control tail heaviness


I have to generate random numbers for my algorithm based on probability distributions. I want a distribution which has heavy tails and is unskewed, which can produce numbers far away from location parameter. There should be a parameter to control the tail heaviness (e.g., like levy distribution where alpha determines tail heaviness).

I have identified the t-distribution (for smaller degrees of freedom) and the laplace distribution as two possibilities.

  • Are there any reasons to prefer t or laplace for my purpose?
  • Apart from t-distribution and laplace distribution, is there any distribution except cauchy or levy that would be useful for my purpose?

Best Answer

The Laplace (aka double exponential) distribution has relatively light tails - exponential in fact :). The Laplace and t/Cauchy distributions are part of a larger family of scale mixtures of normals, which are distributions that can be written as an infinite mixture like so:

$$p(x) = \int Nor(x; 0, r^2s^2)p(s^2)ds^2$$

$r$ is an additional scale parameter; it can also be absorbed into $p(s^2)$. The t family have inverse gamma distributions on $s^2$, the Laplace distribution has an exponential mixing distribution on $s^2/2$. The parameters of $p(s^2)$ will control the scale and tail behavior of the resulting distribution. Since it sounds like you only need to sample from this distribution, you can basically pick any mixing distribution you like. A recommendation for which distribution would work well requires more information about your problem, for the reasons @whuber gave.

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