Solved – LOGIT Regression with multiple fixed effects – STATA

clogitclustered-standard-errorsfixed-effects-modelgeneralized linear modellogistic

For my thesis I am using as dependent variable the fraction of cash as part of the total price offered by the bidder. So, it's a fractional response that lies between [0,1]. I am not sure which regression should I use in Stata.

Also, my sample comprises 500 acquisitions in Europe announced in the period 2002-2016 from companies in different sectors (some companies have multiple acquisitions). The professor told me I should "control for year and industry (Fama French 12 – ffinds) fixed effects and adjust heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors for bidder clustering".

Here is what I have tried to do:

  1. fracreg logit Y X1 X2 i.Year i.ffinds, vce(cluster ID)
  2. glm Y X1 X2 i.Year i.ffinds, family(binomial) link(logit) robust nolog , but I cannot cluster for ID
  3. I have tried to use xtlogit, but I am not able to apply it to multiple fixed effects

Which one is the correct approach? Also, using i.Year and i.ffinds I have too many dummies in the output. Is there a way to suppress them (like the option absorb used with reg)?

Best Answer

The first example is exactly how I would have done it.

  • Modeling proportions is what fracreg is for (although it's not the only way, with beta regression being the obvious alternative).
  • You're controlling for year and industry.
  • You're adjusting the standard errors in the way he requested.

The second example, even if you could get it to work right (offhand, I'm surprised you can't use a cluster VCE here), would give you the same answer as the first. That's how fractional logistic regression used to be done in Stata, using glm with certain options.

I strongly suspect the third example wouldn't work even if you could get the specification right; I don't know for sure, but I've never seen any research on estimating fixed-effect fractional logit models, let alone research that suggests you can just call the likelihood a quasi-likelihood and charge ahead.

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