Solved – Log transformation not making data normal

data transformationdistributionsmixed modelnonparametricregression

I have a data set with positive skewness when I log tranform it tends to be negatively skewed. Is there any other transformation that I can use or any statistical method works?

Best Answer

The log is considered part of a whole continuum of power transformations...

Power  result
  -1   1/y
 -.5   1/sqrt(y)
   0   log y
  .5   sqrt(y)
   1   y
   2   y^2

(The $0$ case is confusing because we all know that $y^0=1$. But it works out if you look at the limit of $(y^p-1)/p$ as $p$ approaches zero.)

Anyway, note that $\sqrt y$ corresponds to $p=\frac12$ which is between the identity and the log -- so that might give you pretty good results.