Solved – log transformation logistic regression

back-transformationdata transformationlogisticmultiple regression

I have a logistic regression in which i transformed geographical distance measured in km using a natural log.

I've have run the regression, and now i am having trouble how to interpret the findings. I have found a b-value of .21 and an odds ratio of 1.23 (it is statistically significant) Do i need to convert these to orginial values using e^x? or do i need to do something different?

Also would it be better to use log10?

Thanks for your time

Best Answer

The best way to interpret it is to plot the predicted probabilities as a function of distance on the original scale, with confidence bands. The following would do this using the R rms package:

dd <- datadist(mydata); options(datadist='dd')
f <- lrm(y ~ log(distance), data=mydata)

To make the fit more flexible (assuming the sample size supports this) use a restricted cubic spline in the distance:

f <- lrm(y ~ rcs(distance, 5), data=mydata)