Solved – Log-normal returns

data transformationdistributionslognormal distributionmathematical-statisticsmean-shift

Let $P_t$ denote a stock price distributed as $\operatorname{lognormal}(\mu , \sigma^2 )$. Suppose we construct simple returns $R_t=\frac{P_t-P_{t-1}}{P_{t-1}}$.

My question is:

What is the distribution of $R_t$, and what are the parameters of this distribution?

P.S. I have read somewhere that $R_t$ would have a shifted log-normal distribution, but I could not find the relation to the log-normal, and how the parameters would be related.

Best Answer

I suppose you mean $P_t$ and $P_{t-1}$ are i.i.d. Note that we may express

$$ P_t = e^{\mu + \sigma Z_t}, P_{t-1} = e^{\mu + \sigma Z_{t-1}}$$

where $Z_t, Z_{t-1}$ are i.i.d. standard normal. Then

$$ R_t = \frac {P_t - P_{t-1}} {P_{t-1}} = \frac {P_t} {P_{t-1}} -1 = \frac {e^{\mu + \sigma Z_t}} {e^{\mu + \sigma Z_{t-1}}} -1 = e^{\sigma (Z_t - Z_{t-1})} - 1$$

Since $Z_t - Z_{t-1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 2)$, we have $e^{\sigma (Z_t - Z_{t-1})} \sim \text{lognormal}(0,2\sigma^2)$ and thus the resulting $R_t$ is a shifted lognormal.

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