Solved – Linear regression with interaction SPSS

categorical datainteractionmultiple regressionregression

I have to run a linear regression analysis with an interaction effect of two categorical variables:

  • Modality (audio, visual and audio-visual)
  • Repetition (1x, 2x and 4x)

I have already dummified the variables. Before I can run the analyses I have to compute the interaction term. But I don't know how I have to do this in the case of a variables with 3 categories (Because I have two dummy variables for each independent variable).

Best Answer

As a general principal, interactions are generally obtained by taking the product of the dummies included in the model

For example, if you include "visual" and "audio-visual" as levels of the first factor, and "2x" and "4x" as levels of the second (leaving "audio" and "1x" as baseline), then you'd have the four interaction dummies


calculated as an ordinary product of the main effect dummies. But I bet SPSS has a way of doing it more directly than you actually calculating them by multiplication (it's so many decades since I used SPSS I don't recall).