Solved – Linear regression with changing variance


I want to perform linear regression on some data. For every value of x, the data values are distributed normally across y, around some mean. However, the variance increases linearly as x increases. I made this example graph:

linear regression graph

Blue is the regression line, red are data points, black shows the normal distribution, and green visualizes the variance increasing.

How can I calculate a regression for the change in variance, while also performing a linear regression of the data? The data is heteroscedastic, and I've read up on methods for doing linear regression on such data. However, I haven't found anything on estimating the actual change in variance of the data.

I haven't studied stats rigorously, so any simple explanations or resources I could look at further would be appreciated.

More Details:

The original dataset follows $y = a/x + b$. The variance as $x$ changes follows a similar model $s^2 = c/x + d$. I transformed the data using $x' = 1/x$ to make the data linear (just to simplify the problem). Here is a sample graph (left is transformed, right is original):

enter image description here

Best Answer

This sounds like a special case of heteroscedasticity.

There are two issues:

  1. What estimator should you use in the presence of heteroscedasticity?
  2. How should you calculate your standard errors?

The most straightforward thing to do is run a regular regression but use heteroscedastic robust standard errors. As @Glen_b suggests in the comments though, you probably can do better than this by efficiently exploiting known structure on your problem.

What estimator to use?

  • You could just run a normal regression.

  • You could run weighted least squares, an application of generalized least squares. The loose idea is to give more weight to observations with low variance error terms.

    • Since you probably don't know ex-ante how the variance of the error term varies with $x$, you probably have to do something like feasible gls.

If you run a regular OLS regression, you should not use the usual standard errors based upon assumptions of homoscedasticity. Instead you should use heteroscedastic robust standard errors. Any stats package can do this.

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