Solved – Linear model with both additive and multiplicative effects

linearlinear modelmultiple regressionregression

In linear regression, the independent variables have an additive effect on the response (level-level regression):


In a log-level regression, the independent variables have an additive effect on the log-transformed response and a multiplicative effect on the original untransformed response:


Suppose that I know for each predictor if it has an additive or multiplicative effect on the response and that I need to estimate these effects through ordinary least squares. How can I specify the formula of the model so that I estimate correctly these effects?

Best Answer

You can use Linear Regression to model any linear/non-linear relationship using basis expansion (slides from Elements of Statistical Learning). In your case you could probably exponentiate some of the variables, but it might be preferable to use an automatic method, such as Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, that still provides interpretable results.

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