Solved – Linear independence vs statistical independence (PCA and ICA)

independenceindependent component analysispca

I'm reading this interesting paper on application of ICA to gene expression data.

The authors write:

[T]here is no requirement for PCA components to be statistically independent.

That is true, but the PCs are orthogonal, are they not?

I am a bit fuzzy as to what is the relationship between statistical inedpendence and orthogonality or linear independence.

It is worth noting that while ICA also provides a linear decomposition of the data matrix, the requirement of statistical independence implies that the data covariance matrix is decorrelated in a non-linear fashion, in contrast to PCA where the decorrelation is performed linearly.

I don't understand that. How does lack of linearity follow from statistical independence?

Question: how does statistical independence of components in ICA relate to linear independence of components in PCA?

Best Answer

This is likely to be a duplicate of some older question(s), but I will briefly answer is nevertheless.

For a non-technical explanation, I find quite helpful this figure from the Wikipedia article on Correlation and dependence:

enter image description here

The numbers above each scatter plot show correlation coefficients between X and Y. Look at the last row: on each scatter plot the correlation is zero, i.e. X and Y are "linearly independent". However they are obviously not statistically independent: if you know the value of X, you can narrow down the possible values of Y. If X and Y were independent, it would mean that knowing X tells you nothing about Y.

The purpose of ICA is to try to find independent components. In PCA you only get uncorrelated ("orthogonal") components; correlation between them is zero but they can very well be statistically dependent.