Solved – Likert scale question divided into different group. How to calculate mean of different group


I want to do a survey to determine how satisfied the (16) employees are with the company training program. The survey has 30 questions, each using a 5 point Likert scale for responses. The questions are divided into different groups (9 for the utility of the program, 6 regarding the trainer, 7 regarding the balance of the program, 2 about training content, 4 about the training facilities, and 2 about the implementation of training. I have calculated the mean, mode, frequency, percent and score of each question, but I need a result for a group of questions. Specifically, a result for the 9 questions regarding the utility of the program. I am currently thinking of using the mean or score of the group of the questions.

What else I can do with this data? Please give suggestions.

Best Answer

See this question: Analyzing Likert scales

Agresti does a lot of this ordinal data analysis (e.g., "Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data").

For your particular problem, I would suggest looking at three methods: multiple hypothesis testing, mixed effects models package lme4 function lmer() in R, and cumulative link mixed models package ordinal function clmm() in R.

In general, I wouldn't recommend doing traditional multiple testing since that assumes the data is ratio (rather than ordinal like you have). If you want to make that assumption though, you can just test to see which questions have an average response different from to the center of the Lickert scale, and then use a correction to take into account the fact that you did 9+6+7+2+4+2 tests.

For the mixed effects models use random effects, and treat each group of questions separately ("utility of the program", etc.). Treat each question as a random effect (there is a population of possible questions you could have chosen, and you happened to pick these 9 questions about utility), and treat the respondent as a random effect (there is a population of possible people who you want to gather opinions about, and you happened to sample this group). Hence, the model is $y_{ij}=\mu + a_i + b_j + e_{ij}$ where $y_{ij}$ is the response of person $i$ to question $j$, $a_i$ is the random effect due to person $i$ (you have 16 people), $b_j$ is the random effect due to question $j$ (you have 9 questions in the group "utility"), and $e_{ij}$ is the error of how much person $i$'s response to question $j$ differed from the model.

Using the lme4 package, you can estimate $\mu$ and test if it is significantly different from the center of the Likert scale.

Using the ordinal package, you can do this more carefully taking into account that your data is ordinal instead of ratio, but you lose some of the interpretability of the linear mixed effects model.

Those packages use a sort of funny notation. Suppose your data is in a dataframe called dat with columns response, question, person. Then you can implement this as follows:

lmer(response ~ 1 + (1 | question) + (1 | person), data=dat)
clmm(ordered(response) ~ 1 + (1 | question) + (1 | person), data=dat)