Solved – Likelihood ratio test for exponential distribution with scale parameter

hypothesis testingself-study

I need to find the exact test of level $\alpha$ for null hypothesis $H_0:\theta = \theta_0$ against the alternative hypothesis $H_0:\theta\neq\theta_0$ based on i.i.d data $y_1,\dots,y_n $ that follow the exponential distribution with scale parameter $\theta$.

I know that the likelihood function is $L(\theta)=\prod\frac{1}{\theta}e^{-\frac{y}{\theta}}=\frac{1}{\theta^n}e^{-\frac{\sum_y}{\theta}}$ and the relative MLE is $\hat \theta=\bar y$.

I use the definition of likelihood ratio:

$$\Lambda=\frac{L(\theta)}{\sup L(\theta)}=\frac{\theta^{-n}e^{-\frac{\sum y}{\theta}}}{\bar y^{-n}e^{-\frac{\sum y}{\bar y}}}=\left(\frac{\theta}{\bar y}\right)^{-n}e^{-\left(\frac{\sum y}{\theta}+\frac{\sum y}{\bar y}\right)}$$

But now I'm stuck on how to proceded. Any help or suggest?

Best Answer

Hint: the likelihood ratio test is not an exact test. The LRT is based upon the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic, i.e. $2 (\log L_1 - \log L_2) \rightarrow \chi^2_{p-q}$. With $L_1$ and $L_2$ arising from likelihoods in MLE parameters for $p$ and $q$ dimensional supports respectively.

An exact test is based upon the actual distribution of the sufficient statistic. What is the sufficient stat for an exponential distribution (how do you show that?) and what distribution does it take (under the null)?

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