Solved – Kullback–Leibler divergence between two Wishart distributions


The result is shown in:

[1] W.D. Penny, KL-Divergences of Normal, Gamma, Dirichlet, and Wishart densities, Available at:

But could anyone help me out to understand the lines on top of page 3:

$L=\int \log(\Gamma) Wishart(\Gamma|a,B) d\Gamma$

($\Psi(.)$ is digamma function)

So what is $\tilde\Gamma(a,B),a_{s},B_{s}$?

Best Answer

I think it's a typo and $a_s = a, B_s = B$. I don't know what the $\tilde\Gamma$ notation is supposed to represent.

If you set it this way, this is consistent with the equations at on page 25.