Solved – KPSS: Difference between level stationary and trend stationary


Can anyone please clarify for me the differences between level stationary and trend stationary in KPSS test? I run the KPSS test with trend and level on same time series and the results are:

H0: level stationary vs. H1: Unit root.
Test statistic: 0.1691746

p-value: 0.245586
Upper tail percentiles:
10% 5% 2.5% 1%
Critical value 0.347 0.463 0.573 0.739

from above I infer level stationary at 5% as p-value>0.05 and test stat < 0.463.

H0: trend stationary vs. H1: Unit root.
Test statistic: 0.08118887

p-value: 0.2409267
Upper tail percentiles:
10% 5% 2.5% 1%
Critical value 0.119 0.146 0.176 0.216

Here I accept the H0 and infer trend stationary at 5% (stationary around a deterministic trend)

1)I am not sure how to explain these two results? Is it stationary or should I de-trend my time series to make it stationary?
2) How come the second test accepts trend stationary when the p-value from MK test (mann kendall, where H0 is monotonic trend) is less than 0.01?
I appreciate your advise.

Best Answer

I think you have a missunderstanding of the interpretation of a statistical test. In detail, you cannot conclude anything if the null hypothesis is not rejected. Especially you never accept $H_0$. You are just only able to "fail to reject $H_0$".

In your case I would recommend an (augmented) Dickey-Fuller test. This test has a (trend) stationary time series as alternative hypothesis. If you can reject the null hypothesis of a unit-root this gives inference about the stationarity properties of your time series

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