Solved – Kendall tau: Kendall Score

kendall-taumachine learningrranking

Currently, I am working with with Kendall tau distance between two rankings. I get a tau value of 0.849, Z (statistical significance of 3.9) and a Kendall score of 56. What does this Kendall score tell us about? Here under are my results and I would appreciate if anyone could enlighten me with these values of S, D and varS – if they are worthy of adding to a research evaluation. Or is only the kendall tau and Z are enough to tell the story?

    [1] 56
    [1] TRUE
[1] 66.00001
[1] TRUE
[1] 212.6667
[1] TRUE

Best Answer

It looks like this "Kendall score" is only an intermediate step in the computation of τ (the Kendall correlation) and not of any substantive interest itself. There's no need to report it. Focus on the τ.