Solved – K nearest neighbours model complexity

data miningk nearest neighbourmachine learningmodel

My question is about the 1-nearest neighbor classifier and is about a statement made in the excellent book The Elements of Statistical Learning, by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman. The statement is

"For k nearest neighbours the model complexity is controlled by k."
"Also as model complexity is increased low bias and high variance"

Now in KNN , if we have a smaller k, we have low bias and high variance.So does that mean a smaller k is a more complex model ?

This seems kind of counter-intuitive as I just chose on basis of 1 point. How is this model more complex?

Best Answer

I think it is right, 1NN is the most complex model as it will have the most number of effective parameters = N/k = N and the most convoluted boundaries

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