Solved – JFreeChart Boxplot appearance


I'm need to create boxplots to analyse and evaluate test results. Since I program in Java this answer convinced me to use JFreeChart. The BoxAndWhisker chart seemed similar to what I wanted.

I spent the day to implement and create the dataset and the plot, but I'm confused with the result and also not very satisfied.

This is what I expected (the appearance/style not the values): What I expected
This is what I got: what I got

Honestly, all these colorful circles remind me of Micky Mouse, but not of a scientific boxplot. Could you explain to me what all these circles and arrows mean? My guess is the black circle is the average, but I don't know about the two empty circles and the arrows.
Also is it possible to change the appearance so it's more similar to the above figure? I saw some options in the BoxAndWhiskerRenderer, but they didn't seem to be what I want.

Best Answer

I used this code to modify the boxplots appearance:

MyBoxAndWhiskerRenderer renderer = new MyBoxAndWhiskerRenderer();   
    renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.WHITE);
    renderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
    renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(0, Color.BLACK);
    renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(1, Color.BLACK);
    Font legendFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 16);
    renderer.setLegendTextFont(0, legendFont);
    renderer.setLegendTextFont(1, legendFont);

MyBoxAndWhiskerRenderer just copies most of the code from the DefaultBoxAndWhiskerRenderer, but does not paint outliers and far outs.