Solved – it that a statistician does


When I tell my non-statistical friends I am a grad student pursuing a PhD in statistics they naturally say "oh so you want to be a professor?". I tell them no I actually plan to work in industry. Then they respond with, "and do what?". I have not found a good response to this question. I want to give them a range of interesting problems that statisticians work on, but my response is usually muddled or is too technical. I think most people picture us working in excel and calculating means and standard deviations.

What is a good response to this question that is brief and interesting?

Thanks! (not sure what a good existing tag is for this question)

Best Answer

The area I am most interested in is the realm of biostatistics. Statistics can be used in this regard to do anything from summarize the results of a drug trial, determining whether Prozac really is more effective than the placebo sugar pill, to tumor detection in cancer patients. Please check out this presentation I found:

What is Biostatistics?

Remember, a statistician is a function that maps a set of data to a set of decisions.

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