Solved – Is the maximum bound of Euclidean distance between two probability distributions equal to $\sqrt{2}$


I used Euclidean distance to compute the distance between two probability distribution. The example of computation shown in the Figure below.

enter image description here

As my understanding, the maximum distance occur while $A_1 = 0$ and $B_1 = 1$, $A_2 = 1$ and $B_1 = 0$. Whereas the Euclidean distance will be $$d = \sqrt{ 1^2 + 1^2 }$$

Is anyone have the theorem and mathematically prove about this? and does my assumption is correct, that $\sqrt2$ is the maximum bound for this distance?

Another question, while the bins more than two/ many bins, is that $\sqrt 2 $ still the maximum bound?

Best Answer

$d_{xy}^2 = \sum{(x-y)^2} = \sum x^2 + \sum y^2 - 2\sum xy$.

Given that in probability vectors all values are nonnegative, $d^2$ is max when the last term is zero. Then $d^2 = \sum x^2 + \sum y^2$.

In a probability vector all values (which are between 0 and 1) sum up to 1, $\sum x = \sum y = 1$. In such a vector, its theoretical maximum of $\sum v^2$ is attained when all its entries are 0 except one which is 1, and this maximum is $1 = \sum v$. Thus the theoretically maximal squared distance between two such vectors is 2: it is when $\sum x^2 = \sum x$ and $\sum y^2 = \sum y$. It also follows from the above description, that then $\sum xy$ can very easily happen to be zero (since in each vector there is just single nonzero element).

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