Solved – Is the decision boundary of a logistic classifier linear

logisticmachine learningnonlinearregression

I'm still a bit confused about the question is the decision boundary of a logistic classifier linear? I followed Andrew Ng's machine learning course on Coursera, and he mentioned the following:

enter image description here

It seems to me there is no one answer, it depends on the linearity or non-linearity of the decision boundary, and that depends on the hypothesis function defined as $H_\theta(X)$ where $X$ is the input and $\theta$ are the variables of our problem.

Could you please help me to solve this doubt?

Best Answer

There are various different things that can be meant by "non-linear" (cf., this great answer: How to tell the difference between linear and non-linear regression models?) Part of the confusion behind questions like yours often resides in ambiguity about the term non-linear. It will help to get clearer on that (see the linked answer).

That said, the decision boundary for the model you display is a 'straight' line (or perhaps a flat hyperplane) in the appropriate, high-dimensional, space. It is hard to see that, because it is a four-dimensional space. However, perhaps seeing an analog of this issue in a different setting, which can be completely represented in a three-dimensional space, might break through the conceptual logjam. You can see such an example in my answer here: Why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?

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