Solved – Is the cumulative incidence function just an inverted Kaplan-Meier survival curve


Is CIF just an inverted Kaplan-Meier survival curve, and nothing more?

Best Answer

If you're talking about the cumulative incidence function that arises from a Kaplan-Meier estimator, then it's just $1 - S(t)$ where $t$ is time. In R:

fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml)
plot(fit) # the standard survival curve
plot(fit, fun="event") # the cumulative incidence curve

But, CIF is more commonly used in other contexts, for example in competing risk analysis using cause-specific Cox regression. There, the CIF is not necessarily equal to $1-S(t)$ because it takes into account the competing risk, estimating the risk of an event happening given survival up to time $t$ and also that a competing risk hasn't occurred up to time $t$.

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