Solved – Is Naive Bayes becoming more popular? Why

naive bayestrend

This is the google trends result obtained for "Naive Bayes" phrase from Jan 2004-April 2017 (link). According to this figure, the search ratio for "Naive Bayes" in April 2017 is about %25 higher than the maximum in the whole time period. Does this imply that this simple and old method is gaining more attention? Why?
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A reasonable explanation (according to the comment by Sycorax) is that this popularity is an indirect effect of the increasing attention to machine learning. But, it seems that some methods such as Naive Bayes are gaining more attention than others such as decision tree and SVM. This can be clear from the following figures:
enter image description here
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Best Answer

I'd be cautious about over interpreting Google trends.

Here's naive bayes (blue) vs. k-means (red). What does it mean? I can make up a story that common variation is due to machine learning classes that teach both naive bayes and k-means. But that's just an educated guess, not an answer. I really don't know.

And unless we start surveying people who search for "naive bayes" I don't see how anyone can positively answer this either.

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