Solved – Is linear discriminant analysis (LDA) more likely to overfit than support vector machine (SVM)

classificationdiscriminant analysisoverfittingsvm

I went to a short talk and the speaker quickly mentioned something like 'LDA (linear discriminant analysis) is more likely to be overfitted than SVM (support vector machine)'. Is this true? And why?

Best Answer

I do not believe it is the inverse either. Both approaches are very different.

LDA is optimal (in a Bayes sense) whenever the assumptions under which it is derived are met, namely: data is generated from two multivariate Gaussians with equal covariance matrices. This assumptions are very restrictive.

Linear SVM on the other side, makes no assumptions on the distribution of the data, and has parameters which allow one to control the number of outliers directly. This seems a quite more flexible approach.

Further, LDA has numerical problems in high dimensions. SVMs are more robust in that setting. So, in general, yes, SVMs will behave better.

As an example (more like a starting point to experiment with) you can take a look at this notebook in R. There you can see how in a general case (where assumptions are no longer warranted and for a higher dimensional problem) linear SVMs usually perform better.