Solved – Is it possible to manually calculate standard deviation for a multiply-imputed survey variable based on the standard error (SE)

multiple-imputationstandard deviationsurvey

I am analyzing a multiply-imputed complex sample survey data using Stata. For normally distributed numerical variables I want to report the mean and standard deviation. However, the Stata command for estimating mean of a multiply-imputed survey data mi estimate: svy: mean [varlist] does give the standard error of the mean, not the standard deviation. I tried to search for valuable help using Google but in vain. My question is this: Under such circumstances, is it possible to obtain an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation using the formula $\sigma$ $=$ $SE$ $\Huge.$ $\sqrt{n}$?

Best Answer

If you really want to get to the standard deviation of the population distribution, you should mi xeq : generate y2 = y*y the squares of the variables, and then

mi estimate (sd : sqrt( _b[y2] - _b[y]*_b[y] ) ) : svy : mean y y2
mi testtransform sd

Note that the interface of multiple imputation and inference with complex survey data is extremely poorly researched into given the ubiquity of the issue. I outlined the literature and the steps elsewhere on statalist.