Solved – Is it possible to do time series forecasting using monte carlo simulation ? If yes , how

monte carlotime series

I have gone through some research paper1 in which forecasting was done using monte carlo simulation.

The paper from Davies et al. is one among several papers. I was not able to understand how we can forecast signals after stage 2 (random number generator). Please go through the paper (only monte carlo simulation part is needed) & if possible reply to my query.

1 Davies et al. (2014) The Application of Time Series Modelling and Monte Carlo Simulation: Forecasting Volatile Inventory Requirements. [link].

Best Answer

Yes, it's possible.

In general, computing a (point) forecast involves computing a conditional expectation (the expected value of a process in the future, conditional on information known up to today). Monte Carlo methods are used to approximate expectations, so they may be used for models where the forecast expectation can't be computed analytically.

The paper you link to is a bit confusing: Monte Carlo is a method for approximating certain computations, it is not a model and as such isn't comparable to other models like ARIMA and exponential smoothing which are mentioned in the paper. The model used in the Monte Carlo section appears to be some kind of skew-normal (iid?) process. I'm not sure if that's the exact model or whether it really required Monte Carlo to compute the forecast.