Solved – Is it possible to do a Tukey HSD test on a Two Way Repeated Measures ANOVA in SPSS

anovamultiple-comparisonspost-hocrepeated measuresspss

I want to undertake a Tukey HSD post hoc test on a Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA in SPSS 25, but the option to select the test is unavailable.

  1. In SPSS I go to: Analyse > General Linear Model > Repeated Measures

  2. This brings up the "Repeated Measures Define Factors(s)" dialogue
    box where I define my factors.

  3. The "Repeated Measures" dialogue box then appears, where I transfer
    over my Within-Subjects Variables

  4. I click Plots which opens up the "Repeated Measures: Profile Plots" dialogue box where I set up my Horizontal Axis: and Separate Lines: and add them to the Plots box.

However, when I click on "Post Hoc", all of the options in the dialogue box are unavailable.

enter image description here

What am I missing?

Is it possible to do a Tukey test via: Analyse > General Linear Model > Repeated Measures?

Or do I have to use: Analyse > General Linear Model > Univariate?

Best Answer

@ttnphns is right: the POSTHOC subcommand is only available for comparisons involving between-subjects factor levels, because many of the options there are only valid in that context. Also, if there are covariates in the model even with a between-subjects design, POSTHOC is not available. EMMEANS is the way to go in all of these cases.