Solved – Is it possible to calculate percentiles in skewed distribution without raw data (only mean, median, SD)

normal distributionquantilesskewness

If it is of any one's interest, the data is taken from the duration of men "last in bed" as studied here.

I want to calculate the percentiles (say, 95th) of a non-normal distribution without raw data. What are the minimum constraints needed? I have the following and I think some are not necessary.

  • n=474
  • mean=8.5
  • SD=7.47
  • median=6.0
  • min=0.1
  • max=52.7

Best Answer

This is not possible. The percentile depends on the exact shape of the distribution. So unless you make a parametric assumption about the distribution or an assumption directly about the 95th percentile you cannot estimate the percentile well without the original data.