Solved – Is CoStandard Deviation a thing

covariance-matrixstandard deviationvariance

So there's Standard Deviation, Variance, and Covariance, but is there a co standard deviation?

If not why not? Is there a fundamental mathematical reason or is it just convention?

If so why is it not used more, or at least really hard to find using Google searches?

I don't mean this to be a flippant question, I'm trying to really question statistics rather than just memorize a bunch of formulas.

Best Answer

One useful property of the standard deviation is that it has the same units as the mean, so the magnitudes of $\sigma_X$ and $\bar X$ are directly comparable. I've never seen anyone compute the co-standard deviation (by which I assume you mean the square root of the covariance); if the units of $X$ and $Y$ are denoted as $[X]$ and $[Y]$, then the units of the covariance are $[X][Y]$ and the units of the co-standard deviation would be $\sqrt{[X][Y]}$, which isn't particularly useful (unless $X$ and $Y$ have the same units). On the other hand, the correlation $\sigma_{XY}/(\sigma_X \sigma_Y)$ is unitless, and is a very common scale for reporting associations.

The variance (in contrast to the standard deviation) is useful because it generally has nicer mathematical properties; in particular

$$ \sigma^2_{X+Y} = \sigma^2_X + \sigma^2_Y + 2 \sigma_{XY}, $$ which simplifies nicely when $X$ and $Y$ are independent (hence $\sigma_{XY}=0$).

While you're thinking about ways of scaling variances you could also consider the coefficient of variation $\sigma_X/\bar X$ (which is unitless), or the variance-to-mean ratio $\sigma^2_X/\bar X$ (which has weird units but is meaningful in the context of a count distribution such as the Poisson, which is also unitless).