Solved – Is Bayesian nonlinear regression using conjugate priors possible

bayesianconjugate-priornonlinear regressionregression

I have data for many time series. Each time series can be modeled by a particular nonlinear function of several parameters and, though I want point estimates of the model parameters for each of the many time series, I am more interested in the uncertainty associated with the parameter estimates (i.e., in the strength of the data). I have good prior information that I'd ideally like to include. I have tried MCMC, but am not confident that reasonable quality posterior samples can be obtained for the many time series (I can tweak the parameters of the MCMC algorithm for specific time series, but I'm not convinced my settings generalize well for other time series); additionally, CPU time is an issue.

Rather than use MCMC, I'm wondering about using conjugate priors (a multivariate normal is a good model of my log-transformed parameters). However, I'm having trouble finding examples of Bayesian nonlinear regression with conjugate priors. Is it possible?

Your assistance is much appreciated.

Best Answer

No, it's not possible. Likelihoods that admit conjugate distributions correspond to data distributions that are members of some exponential family. Having a non-linear function of the parameters in the log-likelihood makes it impossible for the data distribution to belong to an exponential family.

If you specify the model(s?) and data in a bit more detail I might be able to give you advice on the use of a good hands-off adaptive MCMC routine. I have one in mind -- differential evolution Monte Carlo -- but I'm reluctant to claim that it'll address your problem without knowing more.

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