Machine Learning – Is a Kernel Function Just a Mapping?

kernel trickmachine learningsvm

I'm currently studying machine learning (support vector machines to be more specific), and I was wondering how exactly I should understand what a kernel function is. I've read other questions on this community such as:

  1. How to intuitively explain what a kernel is?
  2. Understanding kernel functions for SVMs
  3. What function could be a kernel?

However, I'm still having trouble grasping the concept and was hoping somebody would be able to help me out.

My initial understanding is that a kernel is essentially just a mapping into a higher dimension. For example, when we want to make better predictions using a linear classifier, we would use a kernel to map the decision boundary to a higher dimension and make better predictions.

Is my understanding at least on the right track?

Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

My initial understanding is that a kernel is essentially just a mapping into a higher dimension.

No. Kernel is a function that calculates dot product in the image of this mapping.

It can be thought of as defining dot product, using dot product from another space, where the mapping into this (often higher-dimensional) space is implicit.