Solved – Is a distribution that is normal, but highly skewed, considered Gaussian

distributionsnormal distributionskew-normal-distributionskewness

I have this question: What do you think the distribution of time spent per day on YouTube looks like?

My answer is that it is probably normally distributed and highly left skewed. I expect there is one mode where most users spend around some average time and then a long right tail since some users are overwhelming power users.

Is that a fair answer? Is there a better word for that distribution?

Best Answer

A fraction per day is certainly not negative. This rules out the normal distribution, which has probability mass over the entire real axis - in particular over the negative half.

Power law distributions are often used to model things like income distributions, sizes of cities etc. They are nonnegative and typically highly skewed. These would be the first I would try in modeling time spent watching YouTube. (Or monitoring CrossValidated questions.)

More information on power laws can be found here or here, or in our tag.

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