Solved – Intuitive explanation of logloss


In several kaggle competitions the scoring was based on "logloss". This relates to classification error.

Here is a technical answer but I am looking for an intuitive answer. I really liked the answers to this question about Mahalanobis distance, but PCA is not logloss.

I can use the value that my classification software puts out, but I don't really understand it. Why do we use it instead of true/false positive/negative rates? Can you help me so that I can explain this to my grandmother or a newbie in the field?

I also like and agree with the quote:

you do not really understand something unless you can explain it to
your grandmother
— Albert Einstein

I tried answering this on my own before posting here.

Links that I did not find intuitive or really helpful include:

These are informative, and accurate. They are meant for a technical audience. They do not draw a simple picture, or give a simple and accessible examples. They are not written for my grandmother.

Best Answer

Logloss is the logarithm of the product of all probabilities. Suppose Alice predicted:

  • with probability 0.2, John will kill Jack
  • with probability 0.001, Mary will marry John
  • with probability 0.01, Bill is a murderer.

It turned out that Mary did not marry John, Bill is not a murderer, but John killed Jack. The product of the probabilities, according to Alice, is 0.2*0.999*0.99=0.197802

Bob predicted:

  • with probability 0.5, John will kill Jack
  • with probability 0.5, Mary will marry John
  • with probability 0.5, Bill is a murderer.

The product is 0.5*0.5*0.5=0.125.

Alice is better predictor than Bob.